| My brothers, for too long we have been forced to live under the iron fist of KeinPlan. No longer! Rise up and strike down this infidel, and reclaim the lands he has taken from you. I have called a Jihad on KeinPlan, let the streets flow with the blood of his troops!
| You take the point . |
 | quote: My brothers, for too long we have been forced to live under the iron fist of KeinPlan. No longer! Rise up and strike down this infidel, and reclaim the lands he has taken from you. I have called a Jihad on KeinPlan, let the streets flow with the blood of his troops!
oh noes, the holy fundamentalist has spoken words of war.. 
bro, you sound like osama bin laden 
I guess now he will play america, destroy your most important country and then hunt you for a couple of years  I...don't know why...
I never told you...
And I...don't know why...
I never tried... |
 | Poor keinPlan... he ruled the world, and now it seems World War 3 has come down upon him. All versus one man... didn't we have that before? 
...and there were only 10 more days to go...  War was never the brightest idea of mankind... but surely the most exciting! Join now!
Community Project
ComPro Webgame
www.schneakygames.de |
 | what do you mean in love
#1 DunklerEngel 28.846 von Lieutenant General zu General |
 | quote: what do you mean

osama bin marvin : wanting war on keinplan
george jung : wtf?
toni-sf: saying dumb things, insulting osama
darkman: keinplan has a big problem ( everyone attacking him.. I think this happened with RV some time ago..)
niggah: no idea I...don't know why...
I never told you...
And I...don't know why...
I never tried... |
| Thanks for explaining the meaning of every single post toni, but I think niggah's post was just sarcastic, wasn't it? |
 | Ukraine and Turkey have fallen, too... keinPlan's income is stumbling done... can this uprise ever be stopped or will is this the final stage of keinPlan's reign?  War was never the brightest idea of mankind... but surely the most exciting! Join now!
Community Project
ComPro Webgame
www.schneakygames.de |
| You have all seen the video on Al Jazeera of the bloodshed. You have heard Baghdad Bob tell of the killing in the streets. KeinPlan is now only in control of a few small nations, and he is defending them with an army of old men, children and cripples. His land is free for the taking. I demand that all nations with able troops send them into KeinPlan's territory and take it back. You must fight to the death! Allah will reward you for your sacrifice, virgin brides for everyone who dies while attacking KeinPlan!!!!! |
 | Allah Akbar!  I...don't know why...
I never told you...
And I...don't know why...
I never tried... |