| Translated by Taytanchik and rop
Revised by Mr. Superglue
What is Modern Conquest?
Modern Conquest is a two-dimensional web browser-based game, that can only be played on the internet. It is a real-time strategy game playing in the modern world.
Your goal is to conquer the whole world or at least as many countries as possible in the given time. You can do that either alone or with a group of people in a union. There are many ways to archive this goal:
As a rebel or fanatic, as a criminal or as a politician.
a good strategy, military power,good fame, the right allies, control over the underground, a high income - everything counts!
When the world is conquered by one person, union, or after the time-limit expires a new round will begin, with an equal chance for everyone.
Modern Conquest is a hobby project, which was started in 2003 and has been in development since then.
Basically everyone is allowed to join the game, as long as he follows the rules given during registration.
There is no cost for joining.
How to start
You start the game with absolutely nothing: No money, no units, no fame.
To have a good start, you need to find an adequate country to start in. Your selection of starting country should consider the following aspects
The right country:
* should have high aggression and crime rates, so you can gather more troops.
To find out, which countries fit this catergory, you can take a look at the statistics -> 'Countries' or look at the information page of the respective country.
* should be relatively small; so you can move out of the hideout and into a city faster.
The size of the countries can be seen on the map.
* should have one or more big cities, because you'll gather more units in more populated cities.
The population of all cities can be found in the statistics -> 'town population'
After you've found a country, and for some reason you wish to change where you've started, or wish to start in a new country, you can reset your account (you can access this through the options menu, you get to change your name and change your starting location, be carefull that you don't accidently delete your account) When you reset your account you will loose everything you've gained so far, all your money, fame, units, it will be exactly like when you start a round, you have nothing, So it is highly not recommended to reset your account, except in the begining of the round.
To gather new units, go to "Personal information" and click on the country which you currently live in. There you can choose which type of units you would like to gather.
You can choose between the following units:
* rebels
Rebels are quite weak, but you can gather many of them. Each gathered unit will also earn you some money.
* fanatics
Fanatics are much stronger than rebels, but also smaller in numbers. You will earn quite a lot of money for each unit.
* criminals
Criminals are non-military units. You can gather them in great numbers, but you won't get much money when gathering them, but they can earn you money later on.
If this is your first round, just choose the unit type you like best and just see how you can use them.
Here are some additional hints:
1. Rebels and fanatics are military units, but in a battle against tanks or planes they are quite useless, unless your fame is high enough to gather AT and AA rebels/fanatics.
A high number of military units, doesn't mean you have much influence, since most units are not too capable of fighting. However, only military units can take over cities and countries and fulfil the required military presence in towns.
2. The aggressivity and crime rates influence the number of gathered units differently:
Rebels are only affected by aggressivity, criminals only by the crime rate. The number of fanatics depends on both values equally.
3. Criminals can't attack military units and vice versa. Criminals can only go to "work" in the underground and their only use is to earn money through crime and to figth street wars with the criminals of other players in the same underground.
4. Criminal units can only attack each other in an underground.
5. In a city rebels can start rebellions and fanatics can declare holy wars to cause the city to revolt, overthrow the local mayor or president and to make his troops flee to the hideout or desert him and join your own ranks.
This is just a small glance at the game.
However, if you want to be a successful player you should also read the other tutorials and the FAQ in the forums. Of course you mustn't expect to defeat everyone right away, you may lose your first few fights. But don't be discouraged, it's all about experience.
Cities and Countries
The world of Modern Conquest is based on the real world.
The countries, cities, their economy and population are all based on real world data, adapted to this game.
In Modern Conquest you mainly differentiate between a country and it's cities. Every country has a capital, but can also have additional cities. The city that is the capital, can be seen on the country's page -> 'Present detailed information on this country'
If you have troops in a city you can take it over by giving the order in the city menu. If you succeed to take it over, you'll become mayor of this town and will earn some money at every tax payment. There will be a payment every six hours starting with the beginning of the round. However, to get the money you need to fulfil the following requirements:
1. Each city has a minimum military presence, this is the number of infantery units you need to position in the city to begin collecting taxes. The income depends on how many units you have, starting from the minimum presence, which gets you 0% of the taxes, and slowling rising to 100% when you finally reach the maximum presence. To see how many units you need for a specific city, just open the respective city information.
2. The income also depends on the duration until the next payment. This means, if you take over a city, three hours before the tax payment you'll only get money for those three hours (that is: 50%) of the money. However, you'll receive 100% in the next payment if you hold the city for the full interval of six hours.
3. The political fame in a city mustn't drop below -300% (3 protest signs) or else you will be overthrown as mayor and will not recieve any money at the next payment.
(Further information can be found below.)
Of course, you can also take over countries. To do so, you need troops in the capital and give the order in the country menu. After taking over a country you will become president there.
A city will turn disloyal whenever a player takes it over, who isn't the president its country.
Presidents get their own income, but always 50% of all loyal cities in his country. However, if there is no mayor, this position will also be given to the president, who will then also receive the other 50% of the income, but this only works with loyal cities: Disloyal cities won't earn any money for the president.
A president can also become mayor, but this is only usefull if he plans to retire from the president's seat and would like to stay in the mayor's position.
A president can stop a revolt by taking over the city with his own troops, but he can also send a request to the mayor (if there is one) and ask him to become loyal, and stop the revolt peacefully.
This also works vice versa - the mayor can send a request to the president. Both requests can be send in the city menu and will be shown in the mail box, where you can accept or reject them.
If a players tries to take over a city or country with a neutral government, he will usually succeed.
However, if you want to conquer a city from another player, a battle will decide whether your conquest will be successful or not. If you take over a country, all cities that are under control of a different player, will revolt.
Presidents and mayors can leave their seat at any time and a neutral government will take over.
All attempts to take over a city or a country will be canceled if the government has changed in the meantime.
Both, president and mayor, will gain fame, what kind of fame depends on the public opinion.
This fame mostly affects the cities of one country but will also change your fame world-wide.
If you rule over a loyal city your fame will rise, if you rule over a disloyal city your fame will decrease. Your fame will also decrease if you, as a president, rule over a country with some disloyal cities.
Another reason for decreasing fame could be crimes committed in the underground of one of your cities. If you are president, you can prevent this, if you activate ordinances in the country menu. If crimes are stopped by these ordinances the political fame will rise faster.
However, ordinances are only active in loyal cities.
A bad fame will make you an easy target for rebellions and holy wars. Additionally your mayor seats will be overthrown if your fame drops below -300%, so it's always better to have a good fame, if you plan to take over countries for a long time and not just as a temporary money boost.
Finally, the income of a city will rise if there's active trading in the country.
This bonus will fade, if there's no trading for some time.
Treaties are an easy way to avoid conflicts with players or to assist players with their conflicts.
There are two kinds of treaties, union treaties and personal treaties.
Personal treaties can be offered and accepted any time, as long as you don't have a union treaty with that person already.
To arrange a treaty with another person you've got to look up their personal information and click the menu item 'Treaty proposal'. Here you can send your offer to other players.
Offers from other people can be found in your mail box - if you accept them, the treaty will come into effect and will replace the previous treaties immediately.
However, if you reject the offer, previous treaty (if there is one) will remain unchanged.
Personal treaties can be canceled at any time.
Treaties only affect the military, criminal actions remain unaffected no matter which kind of treaty you have.
However, the treaty does affect assassinations, rebellions and holy wars.
The following treaties are available:
Name.........................support attack...support defence...prohibit attacks
Alliance treaty.............yes..................yes.....................yes
Anti-aggression treaty..no....................yes.....................yes
Non-aggression treaty..no....................no.......................yes
Fragile Alliance treaty..yes..................yes......................no
Supporting attacks means, that you'll join forces with your ally, when he attacks other players.
Supporting defence means, that you'll help your ally, when he's being attacked.
Most treaties prohibit attacks; that means, the two allies can't attack each other.
If treaties would force you to help both sides in a conflict, you'll stay neutral and help neither side.
In a conflict only treaties signed directly with one of the fighting parties come into effect. This means, you can't be drawn to war just because one of your allies is himself allied with one of the fighting parties.
It is possible that two players with a treaty prohibiting attacks, will attack each other nonetheless, but that will only happen if those players join the battle, because of their treaties with the warring players.
For information on union treaties, see the respective tutorial: 'Unions'
In Modern Conquest you have the option to team up with players in a union. Anyone can found a union, provided that he isn't a member in one already. Leaving a union is possible at any time. Each union has a forum on its own, in which members can open private threads that are only visible for other members. To make a thread private, check the box right next to the title window, when creating a thread.
There are three kinds of unions:
* Leader union
This is the standard union. It has a leader - the founder - who accepts, rejects, offers and cancels treaties, sets a password (if wanted) and can kick members. He also functions as the admin of the private union forum and is the only person, that can change the union declaration.
Players can join if they have the correct password (if required) and can be kicked by the leader.
* Despotic union
Despotic leaders have just the same rights as those of leader unions. However, to join, you have to send a request to the leader, which he can then accept or reject; instead of simply entering a password.
* Free union
Even this union has a leader - with some restrictions. In contrast to the other leaders he can't kick members and if he leaves the union, it won't be disbanded like the other unions, but will remain intact. However, such a union will not be able to change any treaties or the union declaration. The admin rights for the forums will stay with the former leader.
Joining the union works the same as with leader unions.
Although this union will have a leader at first, namely the founder, it doesn't need one. The leader can leave the union freely; however, if the leader leaves the union, it will not be able to change, or enact new treaties with other unions anymore. Additionally, the admin rights for the forums will stay with the leader, even after he has left. Another difference is, that in a free union the leader is unable to kick other players.
General hints:
Passwords can be changed as often as needed or wanted. For example, you can change it, if a member gives away the password without permission or if you want to prevent your members to leave and rejoin.
When a round has reached the end, all private topics will be deleted, while all other topics will be moved to the general union forums.
When you found a union you can set an union-internal treaty, that will be automatically accepted by everyone who joins the union. Be careful though, since you can't change the union-internal treaty after you've founded the union, so take your time to choose the right one.
Union treaties might change personal treaties when accepted, but they never will delete any.
This kind of union treaty can only be canceled by disbanding the union or after leaving the union.
Of course there are also union treaties between the members of two unions; these work just the same way as personal treaties. They also won't rule out personal treaties - if a union treaty and a personal treaty would force you to participate in a battle on both parties, you'll stay neutral. These union treaties can only be offered, accepted and canceled by union leaders. If you wish to cancel a union treaty as a normal member, you will have to leave the union, which will 'downgrade' all union treaties to personal treaties, which then can be canceled at will.
For an explanation on the four kinds of treaties, see the tutorial on 'Treaties'
Object of the game
Though Modern Conquest is a real time strategy game, it’s played in rounds. How long a round takes can vary but at the news page you can look up when the current round is going to end. A round has finished when the countdown has run out.
If 95% of all countries are ruled by one player or union, the countdown will be set to 24 hours (provided it hasnt been less before).
That party which gains most points is considered the winner of the round. Each player who received a point is put in the “Hall of Fame” table. The points from every round are saved and a rank is assigned depending on the total amount of points you have accumulated from each round.
Each town you rule you gain a certain amount of points. (You can look up the exact amount in the “Town Statistics”.)
You will earn twice as many points if the town is loyal, however, if you are a loyal mayor under a president you have to share the points with that president.
In the “Country Statistics” you can look up how many points you can gain from each country.
However, you will only receive this total amount of points if you meet the required military presence in a town. In the case you have less infantrymen you will earn fewer points. (e.g. 50% income => half of the points)
A union loses multiplicative 5% of points per additional member.
Example: 4 members: 0.95^3 = 86% => 14% are lost.
Players who are in an union lose half of their points, which are distributed equally among the other members of the union.
To go into more detail: Each member loses 50% of their points. Those points are put together in a great pot. Afterwards they are distributed equally among all members.
E.g. if one player owns all countries in an union of four, he will only receive 62.5% of his points. (The 5%-losses from above aren’t considered in here.)
The total amount of points earned will increase by up to 100% if you cause the round to end prematurely.
Example: If you cause a round with a 56-day-limit to end after 42 days, the total amount of points earned will increase by 25%.
The points considered in this calculation are taken from the moment when the round finishes. When a round comes to an end every account will be reset and the next round begins immediately.
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