| I like this post on th fact that it did happen a couple rounds ago. if peope do use these tacticts, large unions can fall. It may take 30 or so people doing these little attacks to take down a group of 7-9, but it works. Though my union of the round did not win by a huge number, it still took us from 3rd to first, and brought the union with 45k points down to 3k or 4k. It made for a hard, fun, and interesting round.
Along with the topic, the biggest thing in this game above all those other things is Communication. In my opinion it is the hardest, and most difficult thing to due, but the greatest tool to use. That and having insomnia. If you communicate effectively and help one another find the weak points, and tell them where and when to strike with a group, it can destroy massive nerve centers of that union.
Another statemen i would add to this thread is never underestimate trading. If you are a fanatic or rebel gatherer, trading is your biggest source of income. In order to trade well you must find cities that sell items for less than 1.00, and sell them to other countries with a rating of 1.00 or higher. The greater difference in these two numbers, and the greater amount of money you will make from the sale. Typically the best things to sell are machinery and chemical goods, though there are a couple other trade goods that are worth a great deal of money. Using trading will allow you to make Billions of dollars in the game over 1 round. Though it wont be like a criminals near trillions in a game, or a presidents multi trillion campaign, it still lets you upgrade gun fanatics to rifle fanatics, and some into sniper fanatics. This creates a massive increase in your army strength just upgrading gun fanatics to rifle.
My last statement for this thread is when you have aa and at fanatics, downgrade them. though they may be stronger in the fanatic stage, they supply you with a great deal of money. This money can be used to upgade you troops in other areas. Typically there will not be a ton of tanks attacking you, and even if there are a few you dont need more than a couple hundred at and aa fanatics in an area. If peopel do have planes, more than a couple hundred is a good idea. Helps keep the casualties. Though 1000aa fanatics versus 1000aa soldiers is not a huge difference.
Hope this helps people in their conquest of the game, and that these tips will help out anyone who needs it. 5012 points and going up |