Countries - Towns
Players: Wealth - Army strength - Underground strength - Fame worldwide
Unions: Union wealth - Union strength
Hall of Fame - Round history

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NrCountryPointsTownsPopulationIncome+ TradeAggressivityCrimerate
41 French Guiana771220,000311,000 €750 €mediumlow
42 Trinidad and Tobago5511,339,000456,695 €756 €lowmedium
43 Ghana289123,428,000311,714 €757 €highhigh
44 Kuwait5412,906,000514,530 €762 €mediumhigh
45 Mauritania18613,022,000265,110 €798 €very highmedium
46 Tajikistan17717,350,000286,750 €815 €highhigh
47 Honduras19817,761,000338,805 €817 €highhigh
48 Moldova16713,640,000268,200 €818 €lowmedium
49 Albania12213,175,000365,875 €827 €lowmedium
50 Tunisia153110,326,000405,163 €842 €lowmedium
51 Niger217113,916,000256,958 €845 €very highhigh
52 Iraq944434,828,000918,535 €856 €highhigh
53 Jordan20515,913,000329,565 €865 €mediummedium
54 Hungary192110,071,000455,036 €868 €very lowmedium
55 Bhutan861671,000333,550 €875 €mediummedium
56 Luxembourg561463,000473,150 €883 €lowmedium
57 Uganda244129,395,000314,698 €893 €very highvery high
58 Czech Republic151110,310,000505,155 €902 €very lowmedium
59 Mali306212,781,000459,586 €921 €very highhigh
60 North Korea338123,708,000311,854 €921 €lowmedium