Forum > Game requests
Please use this part of the Forum for questions or bug reports concerning the gameplay itself that are not being answered within the Tutorials.


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How Can this turn out?created by Korpskommandant Krave (Tu, 16.9.14 19:10:28)
Replies: 1"If you want to attack me, and i have ally with MrArmy..."last posting by Brigadegeneral Sajeputs (Tu, 16.9.14 19:56:59)
Question game changescreated by General Patton (Th, 12.6.14 3:33:23)
Replies: 32"Oh ja ich habe einen Mitspieler gefunden . Das gleiche..."last posting by KFZV/2.0 (Fr, 22.8.14 14:12:10)
Tradecreated by Lieutenant General firehelper (Fr, 30.11.12 3:34:16)
Replies: 10"yes it would be easier, but not to easy. for example: imagine..."last posting by General Parefloi (Sa, 21.6.14 7:22:03)
Bin neu hier.created by Arcside (We, 25.12.13 20:47:23)
Replies: 2"Fabriken kannst du ja erobern und dann selber entscheiden..."last posting by Generalleutnant Uschi_van_hinten (Th, 26.12.13 10:09:27)
Werbungcreated by General KFZV (Su, 11.8.13 9:25:51)
Replies: 25"Ok "last posting by Major General HTCWFS (Sa, 17.8.13 13:21:51)
Verbesserungencreated by General KFZV (Tu, 28.8.12 21:43:06)
Replies: 7"Der vorschlag ist an sich ganz gut aber sehr problematisch Das..."last posting by General KFZV (Tu, 2.10.12 12:34:32)
Fehler ?!created by General KFZV (Tu, 11.9.12 15:13:22)
Replies: 3"Danke"last posting by General KFZV (We, 12.9.12 19:12:18)
Serverausfall & Backupcreated by [DA]Darkman (Th, 26.7.12 0:42:30)
"Wie ihr sicherlich mitbekommen habt gab es einen Serverausfall...."last posting by [DA]Darkman (Th, 26.7.12 0:42:30)
Vorschlag für/von Server 2created by [DA]Darkman (Sa, 11.9.10 16:47:13)
Replies: 50"Nope."last posting by [DA]Darkman (Fr, 6.7.12 14:18:04)
Probleme mit s2 und s3created by [DA]Darkman (Mo, 12.12.11 16:54:52)
"Hi! Heute hat es in den beiden Games leider Probleme..."last posting by [DA]Darkman (Mo, 12.12.11 17:04:00)

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