Forum > Europe
Countries: Albania, Austria (3), Belarus, Belgium (1), Bosnia and Herzegovina (6), Bulgaria, Croatia (1), Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia (8), Finland, France (2), Germany (13), Greece, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland (1), Italy (3), Kosovo (1), Latvia, Lithuania (1), Luxembourg (2), Macedonia, Moldova (1), Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland (2), Portugal, Romania (2), Russia (5), Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland (1), Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom (1)


Yugoslawiencreated by Mudzahedin (Fr, 28.8.09 15:28:43)
Replies: 14"Freies Tibet helft doch mal dem alten onkel in Ora..."last posting by Bärwolf (Sa, 29.8.09 10:20:25)
NEW EUROPE Blitzkrieg Taktik erfolgreichcreated by unknown (Mo, 10.11.03 18:35:50)
Replies: 29"hmm doch eingetlich schon denn du machst überall bremsspuren..."last posting by DLX (Mo, 8.10.07 17:59:52)
Europa darf sich warm anziehencreated by unknown (Tu, 9.11.04 10:14:14)
Replies: 224"joa kann auch sein "last posting by DLX (Tu, 10.4.07 11:58:19)
Factories in Europe for all to usecreated by unknown (Sa, 15.1.05 15:31:25)
Replies: 13"das sagt der richtiger, der so aussieht wie 30 udn..."last posting by General Lucio Collonie (Su, 12.3.06 17:08:42)
Der Oesterreichische Widerstand sucht Mitglieder. The Austrian Defence is searching Members.created by Hauptmann Franco (Th, 9.2.06 13:26:06)
Replies: 15"Ich hab in der Klinik einen Kollegen, der Poser heißt......"last posting by Rinkadink (Sa, 11.2.06 10:16:14)
we must destroy the threat that is tracreated by unknown (Fr, 4.3.05 21:55:59)
Replies: 11"A common union with around a 100 members would be nice,..."last posting by unknown (We, 9.3.05 21:52:26)
Frieden?created by unknown (Su, 7.3.04 16:08:56)
Replies: 30"Fidel versorgt uns mit Zigarren... brauchen REICHE..."last posting by Generalmajor König Boris (Tu, 9.3.04 19:40:52)
Huhucreated by unknown (Tu, 4.11.03 16:03:17)
Replies: 3""Hat aber spaß gemacht" Masochist "last posting by unknown (We, 5.11.03 15:28:40)

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