Forum > Unions

Topic: "Why are The Wang Brothers Ranked Strongest Union?"

unknown, Sa, 3.9.11 21:20:06:

Like the title says, why is my union ranked as the strongest? We don't have the biggest army, we don't hold any territory and we don't have the most crime. We don't own any facilities, we don't have any alliances, and we don't do a lot of trade. How is it possible that we are considered the best? Is it because the game recognizes Taco Grande as the best union leader in the game giving us the advantage?
unknown, Su, 4.9.11 20:11:21:

It is the fear factor. Other generals soil themselves at the mere notion of conflict with Taco Grande and the Wang Brothers. We could have no army, criminals, or anything of value, and the composite fear that you all feel would still make us the most powerful union. Prepare to kneel before your rightful rulers. The Wang Brothers will strike a death blow to this round swiftly and without conscience.
[DA]Darkman, Mo, 5.9.11 10:27:45:
We also consider penis sizes if you provide them.
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unknown, Mo, 5.9.11 16:07:53:

Well ok, but I'll need a new protractor and compass. I haven't calculated the YAW of my dangle in a few months.
unknown, Mo, 5.9.11 23:29:59:

It must be my skills as a revolutionary:

Today a mob of angry inhabitants moved to the mayor's office and declared Moscow as liberated. 95,631 units belonging to the former president Oberleutnant Zagi have deserted their leader and joined you, and those who did not scattered into all directions.

The following units have joined you:

Gun fanatics: 2,558 / 2,912
Gun soldiers III: 48,683 / 55,416
Sniper soldiers III: 28,521 / 32,466
Rifle fanatics: 2,532 / 2,882
Combat tanks III: 3,502 / 3,986
AT fanatics: 4,691 / 5,340
AA fanatics: 5,144 / 5,856
General ubernutsen, Mo, 24.10.11 14:59:47:

But really, what has changed with the points? They didnt have any countries and got the most points, atm otter/ FSM have a lot countries , but it shows that they only get a little amount of points.
[DA]Darkman, Mo, 24.10.11 17:09:25:
You gather points during the round now, and you can't lose them like before.
War was never the brightest idea of mankind... but surely the most exciting! Join now!
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Nyco, We, 26.10.11 16:11:15:
so if you conquer a country at the end of a round you won't get the points?
General ubernutsen, We, 26.10.11 16:55:58:

Guess so, i sure didnt.
[DA]Darkman, Th, 27.10.11 2:05:20:
War was never the brightest idea of mankind... but surely the most exciting! Join now!
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