| Pauls wht do you want ???
Nachricht von Paul von Mais-loch Do, 14.6.12 23:09:52
If ubernutsen wants Pakistan you will give it to him. Or I can take it from you and give it to him after your army is dead. It is your choice.
That sucks we are a alli we make somthing like that un our Forum it is not your part !!!! |
 | ich glaube jetzt haben sie einen am deckel  

1'146'776 Punkte, General
Runde 66; Gewinner: GeneralStyle 120'108
Paul von Hindenburg =GS= 38'966 Punkte
Runde 50: Gesamteinkommen 1.2 mia. als Präsident
Dei sumus non homines Runde 48: vom Generalleutnant zum General mit 9'784 Punkten
Runde 52: Gesamteinkommen:4.551.215.424 € als Pate

 | What do I want? I want Paul Hindenberg dead, and I want everyone to do exactly what I say or suffer the consequences.  |
| Paul von Hindenberg is not in this game so he is dead you have winn. Gratulation !!! 
and to your exactly waht you want thing   
As i was new here paul helps me to understant this game.he his a nice person and a good gamer.
so shut up i will fight, fight vs you . I know my alli will not fight with me because you and uber are crimer friends but i hae enaugh about you.
You have clean karatschi for uber, nice man very nice but i wont not give him karatschi for criming so let it be or die !!
And if i loose it is no problem i can say i have fight. |
 | the point is splurgenmeist you cant winnnnn about me because you cant kill my unites in one stricke. so let them you cant do it every round you and your friends tried the same boring shit but in ever round you couldnt managed it.
nice work but why you need your friend to help your?
Verluste der Angreifer
Paul von Mais-loch:
Gewehrrebellen: 325 / 36.723
GW Rebellen: 73 / 6.494
Bewaffnete Rebellen: 1.232 / 64.448
Schützenrebellen: 275 / 17.757
PA Rebellen: 52 / 6.695
FA Rebellen: 166 / 6.708
MG Rebellen: 19 / 8.963
RuPaul Von Hindenburg:
Bewaffnete Rebellen: 329 / 59.832
Gewehrrebellen: 336 / 15.985
PA Rebellen: 0 / 3.385
FA Rebellen: 1 / 3.847
Schützenrebellen: 424 / 9.484
MG Rebellen: 165 / 4.468
GW Rebellen: 22 / 4.738
Verluste der Verteidiger
General KFZV Y-K-W-W-A:
Schützensoldaten III: 2.000 / 2.000

1'146'776 Punkte, General
Runde 66; Gewinner: GeneralStyle 120'108
Paul von Hindenburg =GS= 38'966 Punkte
Runde 50: Gesamteinkommen 1.2 mia. als Präsident
Dei sumus non homines Runde 48: vom Generalleutnant zum General mit 9'784 Punkten
Runde 52: Gesamteinkommen:4.551.215.424 € als Pate

| why does he need his friend to help? i thought you were the best general, and you don't even understand how the treaty system works? What's he gonna do, cancel our treaty to fight 2000 soldiers, then request it again? You don't even understand the simplest rules of the game, and here you are mouthing off like an expert.  |
 | You ask me why I need Rupaul's help to defeat you, but I am not even in a union. It is me and Rupaul against the world, we are alone. You have countless people in your union to defend you, as well as several people like Black Tiger who are not in your union but are your ally. Your strategy is to get as many bad players together as possible to control the game, and you question why I would chose to play the game with only my best friend in real life as my ally?
It is so funny reading what you have to say Paul, because I know you are frustrated. You want to have the most points in the history more than anything, but that is the one thing you will never have. You have accused me of being Estonian because I often help DaB3st, but that is not so. I am not even allies with DaB3st. However I give him money and invite him to take over the countries that I capture because I know it will make it impossible for you to catch him. You bring a knife to a gunfight Paul, and Taco's revenge is an ass full of bullets.  |
| "Nachricht von Paul von Mais-loch"
if you think you are taking moscow you are mistaken. i will blow you out of the fucking water if you think you will take this city.
! hour later ich have kill the army from him ^^ |
| jetzt sehe ich nicht mehr durch 
quote: ! hour later ich have kill the army from him ^^
von wem ist das? den irgendwie macht das kein sinn 
also momentan bin "ich" ja in moskau chef  |
| Zum glück hast du die anführungszeichen gemacht
Könnte man ja falsch verstehen  |