| Weil ich diese Nachricht einfach nur lustig fand ;D
Nachricht von Oberleutnant General Ice Boy LFG Do, 7.6.12 19:17:05
haha nice hack so viele truppen kannst du garnicht haben |
| Wow denk ich auch  
Naja von ihm könnte man noch einige gute nachrichten posten  |
 | I just read some of these posts in german using an online translation to english. I am surprised that so many people make accusations of cheating to me! If Darkman thought I was a cheater he would not allow me to play. He knows I am not, because he can see that I am not the same general as RuPaul. We have sent thousands of messages between our accounts over the years we have played together, and we both use multiple different IP's to log in. If we are the same general, then I must be very busy because there are lots of times we are logged in at the same time from different IP's!
I have criminals in every single city in the game, and I have cargo caravans all over the world. If you question my income, it is because you do not appreciate the work I put into the game so that I can enjoy it. I assure you that with all my trade and crime, I do not have the time to run 2 accounts. I think Darkman knows this, and this is why he does not pay attention to all the crying about me. I am not cheating to get more income, I am just better at making income than you are. There is not a better general in the game at making money than me, I have all the trade routes memorized and I know how to crime. If you do not make as much as me, you should learn to play the game better.
Some people complain that I build an army but do not "play normal" by going after points and trying to "win". This is my choice to make. I do not care about points, and I do not care about holding territory. Me and Rupaul are guerrilla fighters, our armies are used to attack, not defend. We prefer to play this way because a general you cannot attack is more dangerous. You can have your points and your ranks. All I want is to be feared.  |
 | copy your income from your criming that we can see your the best. if is under my from the last round so you cannot make it better than me.

1'146'776 Punkte, General
Runde 66; Gewinner: GeneralStyle 120'108
Paul von Hindenburg =GS= 38'966 Punkte
Runde 50: Gesamteinkommen 1.2 mia. als Präsident
Dei sumus non homines Runde 48: vom Generalleutnant zum General mit 9'784 Punkten
Runde 52: Gesamteinkommen:4.551.215.424 € als Pate

 | If you were so good you would not have to cry to Darkman and accuse me of cheating. If you copy and paste your whiny complaint message to Darkman I will copy and paste my crime income. Deal? No matter how much you made in crime, I make double that in trade anyway. You are small time Paul. While you are running and hiding from my soldiers, I am deciding the outcome of the round. It will always be that way.  |
 | i have never say that you cheating. dont write lies in this forum.
if you dont want copy your income, that shows me you must conceal something., what is it??? 

1'146'776 Punkte, General
Runde 66; Gewinner: GeneralStyle 120'108
Paul von Hindenburg =GS= 38'966 Punkte
Runde 50: Gesamteinkommen 1.2 mia. als Präsident
Dei sumus non homines Runde 48: vom Generalleutnant zum General mit 9'784 Punkten
Runde 52: Gesamteinkommen:4.551.215.424 € als Pate

 | What point is copying and pasting going to do? You would not believe it if I did anyway. I have taken a lot of my crime out to help your union lose, so anything I posted now wouldn't matter. You are proud of your crime income that you post it in your signature, but it makes me laugh. Before Darkman changed the income from crime i easily had over 6 billion a day in income every round I did crime, and you are so proud of your income? As I said before, I make MORE than that doing trade. You are small time Paul.  |
 | and if you say you are so good than show me your income. if you do it not than you lie and from your mouth comes hot aire out.
oh you cant read go to school and learn it.
this was the round 52 not now.
i am Paul von Mais-loch and 
your answer show me more and more that you need a doctor of psychic.

1'146'776 Punkte, General
Runde 66; Gewinner: GeneralStyle 120'108
Paul von Hindenburg =GS= 38'966 Punkte
Runde 50: Gesamteinkommen 1.2 mia. als Präsident
Dei sumus non homines Runde 48: vom Generalleutnant zum General mit 9'784 Punkten
Runde 52: Gesamteinkommen:4.551.215.424 € als Pate

 | ....and now everybody knows why I enjoy attacking only you.  |
| It's so true. Everytime i get tired of attacking Paul, he does or says something that makes it so much fun again. This war would be so easy to stop by Paul, yet Mr Super genius general can't figure it out for the life of him.        |