| You are a real fighter ?
You want to fight ?
You think this round is boring and i must change something ?
Join us and have fun !  |
| No Risk No Fun!  |
 | So which union would you be joining? LMS or Fancy? seems like you are their pawns. The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.
George S. Patton
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/g/george_s_patton.html#Zh42rzzr7QD5Vqjw.99 |
| we fight for the weak and the boring round...we will all hide out crackheads to move your asses in to the battle. all under one flag against the primus this round. thats your, the WHO! |
| Oh yes  |
 | If you haven't noticed the battle is on.
And the WHO is not the union to beat it is LMS look at the scoreboard. The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.
George S. Patton
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/g/george_s_patton.html#Zh42rzzr7QD5Vqjw.99 |
| You have a much stronger Army , so start fight 
It is just an online game  |
| yoor union have the biggest money on the bank, the biggest army in this game. its time to say goodby! |
| And look at us , we have not much but we gige you troubel  |
 | and you are 7 People in one Union. so tell me whos the biggest and strongest Union in this game and have the moste area in % from all countries?

1'146'776 Punkte, General
Runde 66; Gewinner: GeneralStyle 120'108
Paul von Hindenburg =GS= 38'966 Punkte
Runde 50: Gesamteinkommen 1.2 mia. als Präsident
Dei sumus non homines Runde 48: vom Generalleutnant zum General mit 9'784 Punkten
Runde 52: Gesamteinkommen:4.551.215.424 € als Pate
