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Topic: "Capitulating State"

General Patton, Mo, 16.2.15 22:47:05:
Next round. I will play by the following rules for myself.

I will capitulate to a player who defeats me.

Meaning: I will serve the player who defeats me.

To defeat me.

1 Conquer 4 out of 5 recruitment zones. or

2 Conquer my capital. ( you will know what my capital is)

What it means for me to serve you.

I will give up presidents seat of all countries I serve to you willfully. I will ask to remain mayor.

I expect to be mayor of my recruitment zones.

Countries I may conquer I will give you presidents seat. I will ask for mayor ships. You can or cannot turn me down.

My buildings will not be open to you in my homeland. My people wish to maintain their culture and will not allow recruiting directly from my buildings, however you are welcome to build whatever you wish in the lands.

What I will do for you.

My forces will fight with you on the defense and the offense, to the best of my ability.

I will move forces to your lands for the defense of your lands.

What will cause me to become a free state once again.

1 You are defeated. Defeated will consist of your capital being taken over for a period of 24 hours. If this occurs My nation may elect to become a free state on it's own if it wishes, however if you were a good overlord we will still serve you.

2 My homeland is captured.
The new conqueror has the option to liberate me. If they so choose to liberate me I will be a free state once again. If they do not liberate me I will still be yours. However my peoples main focus will be to recapture their homeland.

3 Mistreatment from the ruling (conquering) party. This will consist of not letting me be mayor of recruiting lands, it could also consist of failure to allow adequate mayor ships of lands conquered/controlled by me. This is subjective to the game. This could also consist of not turning on ordinances that are necessary to keeping my people safe from crime.

4 Upon capture of my homeland if you were not a good overlord/you are in a weakend state, it is possible I will capitulate to the new conqueror.

If you accept my capitulation to you our relationship will be a fragile alliance.
The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.

George S. Patton

Bärwolf, Tu, 17.2.15 9:29:59:
unknown, Tu, 17.2.15 11:05:48:

i'll take a break next round

good luck to everyone participating next round.
General Paul von Hindenburg, Tu, 17.2.15 13:40:37:
Mabe me to.

1'146'776 Punkte, General

Runde 66; Gewinner: GeneralStyle 120'108
Paul von Hindenburg =GS= 38'966 Punkte
Runde 50: Gesamteinkommen 1.2 mia. als Präsident
Dei sumus non homines Runde 48: vom Generalleutnant zum General mit 9'784 Punkten
Runde 52: Gesamteinkommen:4.551.215.424 € als Pate

General Patton, Su, 1.3.15 15:53:30:
Moving up. See first post.
The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.

George S. Patton

General Paul von Hindenburg, Su, 1.3.15 16:13:47:
Which one?

1'146'776 Punkte, General

Runde 66; Gewinner: GeneralStyle 120'108
Paul von Hindenburg =GS= 38'966 Punkte
Runde 50: Gesamteinkommen 1.2 mia. als Präsident
Dei sumus non homines Runde 48: vom Generalleutnant zum General mit 9'784 Punkten
Runde 52: Gesamteinkommen:4.551.215.424 € als Pate

General Patton, We, 4.3.15 22:00:37:
Top post multiple ways to make it happen.

Sorry guys with the creation of a new union I have decided to move in another direction. Offer is off the table.
The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.

George S. Patton

Bärwolf, We, 25.3.15 9:25:05:
I am a Little bit disapointed what happened to your good idea.......
General Patton, We, 25.3.15 11:46:08:
As soon as I joined a union. I felt it would be a betrayal.
The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.

George S. Patton

Bärwolf, We, 25.3.15 11:55:26:
I just Wonder why You joined a Union

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