| Is anyone out there? The world is very quiet. The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.
George S. Patton
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/g/george_s_patton.html#Zh42rzzr7QD5Vqjw.99 |
| ...is it me you're looking for? |
| Yay someone is alive! The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.
George S. Patton
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/g/george_s_patton.html#Zh42rzzr7QD5Vqjw.99 |
| Well, at least I hope so..
Is that right: the only people actively playing at the moment are the four from ICE and me? |
THOR, Fr, 9.3.18 8:26:55: |
| Aaand me ) |
| This round seems pretty pathetic. 12 people and almost no one active However when looking at the round history it looks like this game is almost dead :cry: The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.
George S. Patton
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/g/george_s_patton.html#Zh42rzzr7QD5Vqjw.99 |
Ares, Tu, 14.8.18 17:38:40: |
| What's going on! I haven't been playing this game in _years_ and gotta admit, I've forgotten a lot about it but I'm totally down to rejoin the fight! Any tips and/or advice? Something I need to be aware of?
Also: Do you think it's possible to get people back on track? How could we spread the word? And what about comfort?
Comfort is an illusion. A false security bred from familiar things and familiar ways. It narrows the mind, weakens the body and robs the soul of spirit and determination. |
Deqs, We, 22.8.18 14:28:51: |
| Fanatics are the best units and playing the market is a full time job, but makes the best money.
Wilkommen zurück! "You tempt nature's wrath" |
Ares, We, 22.8.18 21:31:50: |
| Danke! Was ist denn der (militärische) Unterschied zu den Rebellen? And what about comfort?
Comfort is an illusion. A false security bred from familiar things and familiar ways. It narrows the mind, weakens the body and robs the soul of spirit and determination. |
| bei den rebellen kannst du zusätzlich noch eine einheiten art gathern, die mr rebellen und im gegensatz zu den rebellen gatherst du mehr fanatiker und die bringen auch mehr geld. si unterscheiden sich auch in den weiterbildungskosten. |