Forum > Europe > Estonia
Towns: Tallinn (1)

Topic: "Eesti mehed tulge koju..."

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onukoll, We, 31.10.07 8:43:33:
Janar sa oled meie vaenlane?
General one man, We, 31.10.07 12:49:38:

ei ma ei ole eestlaste vaenlane ega teie
5318 point
unknown, We, 31.10.07 13:12:44:

Meie oleme venelased siis?
General one man, We, 31.10.07 14:56:59:

ikka ei ole te mu vaenlased
5318 point
onukoll, We, 31.10.07 17:35:40:
mu reaktsioon nende viimaste postituste peale on nagu..... WHAT THE FUCK??
*Shakes head*
Colonel Kim, We, 31.10.07 18:18:55:
minu jaoks oli see aga kõik bla bla bla bla...
<a href=""><IMG SRC="" style="border : solid 1px #595959;"></A>
General one man, We, 31.10.07 18:19:37:

he he
5318 point
Colonel Kim, We, 31.10.07 18:30:27:
Eriti sinu jutt Janar...
<a href=""><IMG SRC="" style="border : solid 1px #595959;"></A>
General one man, We, 31.10.07 18:33:06:

he he
5318 point
onukoll, We, 31.10.07 19:45:22:

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