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Topic: "Osama Breaks the Silence"

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unknown, Su, 26.12.04 3:12:31:

The new round has started, and everyone has been asking me:  What are you going to do about the Dark Legion?  Feh.  It is hardly a question.  Already two of their top generals have joined in a secret alliance with me, and the others are ready to turn on each other.  It is hardly a matter to worry about.  It is common knowledge that dominance at the beginning of a round has little bearing on the final outcome.  When the Jihad begins, little will stand in our way.
[DA]Darkman, Su, 26.12.04 7:43:09:
If you ask me, I think they just want to keep you off the scene while they are in trouble and deal with you later... but it's your decision, your troops...
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unknown, Su, 26.12.04 8:11:48:

We shall see.
Nick, Su, 26.12.04 13:17:51:
It is also common knowledge that many people are talking a lot of bullshit during the day...
Brothers everywhere, raise your hands into the air
we're warriors, warriors of the world...
unknown, Su, 26.12.04 19:52:08:

Crazy?  Maybe.  But you are the leader of DL Nick, and also one of the weaker members.  It only makes sense you will be the one they turn on first.  There's a good chance they won't tell you about it as well.
Nick, Su, 26.12.04 20:56:05:
You don't seem to know the friendship and loyality which comes hand in hand with the fellowship between allys in such games...
Brothers everywhere, raise your hands into the air
we're warriors, warriors of the world...
unknown, Su, 26.12.04 22:13:38:

Nick, Su, 26.12.04 23:01:06: don`t know we`re sorry for you dude...
Brothers everywhere, raise your hands into the air
we're warriors, warriors of the world...
Generalmajor Tayrik, Su, 26.12.04 23:43:51:
But you are the leader of DL Nick

I think you don`t know teh real facts! Tayrik is the leader, Nick is only the man who startet DL as Union in the game this round.

Jede Unterstützung ist gerne gesehen
Nick, Su, 26.12.04 23:57:00:
Right, it was me who created our faction because i was the first one online after restart. The thinking one is always if i've not as much time as he has...

And here dear watchers the first proof for Osama talking bullshit :

Attacker loss

Tayrik DL:
Gun soldiers II: 673 / 1,000
RL soldiers III: 101 / 200
Basic tanks: 1 / 1
Gun soldiers: 1 / 7
Rifle soldiers III: 1,395 / 2,000
Rebels: 2 / 15
Gun soldiers III: 585 / 1,000

Defender loss

Osama Bin Marvin Axis:
Hunter tanks III: 10 / 10
Rifle soldiers III: 1,500 / 1,500

Osama, if this is what you call an alliance, then please go on with it
Brothers everywhere, raise your hands into the air
we're warriors, warriors of the world...
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