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Topic: "Allah has spoken!"

unknown, Fr, 7.1.05 15:30:48:

It is all so clear to me now!  I was cleaning up around the cave when Allah came to me in the form of a dung beetle.  He crawled out of a pile of camel crap and told me that WTO is responsible for all suffering in the world.  He told me they must be driven into the sea.

My people, Allah has spoken and the message is clear.  It is up to us now, we must attack all WTO countries and liberate their people from the cruel leadership of  Schokokeks.  We must set our people free!  Do you hear me  Schokokeks?  There will be no more mistreatment of Allah's children!

It has already begun in Canada.  I have taken over this great country and liberated their women.  No longer do they wear small clothes that show off their bodies, they wear full dresses and face coverings like proper women!  Public beheadings are now held between periods of the hockey games! Canada is much happier!

There are people all over the world who are still under WTO's iron fist.  We must help them, and sacrifice lives if we must to defeat them!  For Allah!
General Herostratos, Su, 9.1.05 1:44:01:
Allah u akbar!  
Die Gäste machen mir immer mein mise-en-place kaputt!!
unknown, Su, 9.1.05 9:13:37:

Last night in Washington an army of infidels landed and tried to take over the city while we slept  Allah was with us!  There was fighting at the Revolution Monument, and at the Mosque we built on top of the white house.  We were victorious! The infidels are now suffering for eternity

In other Jihad news, WTO assassins caught me as I was leaving the fine city of Iqalit after my successful holy war.   They were very poorly trained, and only managed to give me a bloody nose.  They also took my last 5000 euros.  Good thing I had spent all my money on those fine Iqalit women!  I assure you my people that I am fine, I have gone back to the cave to get a new turban.  I will be back shortly.  While I do this, my army will exact my revenge  For Allah!
Brigadegeneral Ché Guevara, Su, 9.1.05 9:15:39:
oh...i have wounded 2 wto players with assisians...
Glaube an das wofür du kämpfst, kämpfe für das an das du glaubst
General de Cuerpo de Ejército Fidel Castro, Su, 9.1.05 11:20:45:
Our great troops have defeated the infidels of DunklerEngel. He tried to attack us when we were at our mosque(), but with allahs support we killed them all!

Allah akbar
"Die Revolution ist großartig. Alles andere ist Quark" - Rosa Luxemburg
unknown, Mo, 10.1.05 13:54:00:

Indeed this is the mother of all Jihads!  Just as the first Jihad finishes with the total destruction of WTO, a new Jihad begins with a new foe!  DunklerEngler decided a cold blooded attack on innocent civilians would go un-punished.  He was wrong.  He has brought the full wrath of allah down on his DunklerHead!!!!  His suicide attacks in Iraq, this most holy land will be avenged! My people, this savage animal who pretends he is a leader must be brought down.  I want every man woman and child to strap on your Bin Marvin aproved dynamite belts and destroy his cities!

Then there is the matter of WTO.  As you all all aware, this group of renegades have been all but removed from Canada.  Their time in North America can be measured in hours, not days.  Allah's might has shown these fools what it means to go against his will.  Praise Allah!

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