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Topic: "War reports"

Page 6
onukoll, Th, 2.2.06 13:07:21:
raptor matey.. bettEr stop doing that. we might bite back.. my 1500 assaSSINS ARE GETTING VERY MAD RIGHT NOW :d
Akemmer, Th, 2.2.06 13:29:48:

Ok than come my 2500 Bodys will wait for your assassins

So i will see your killers
onukoll, Th, 2.2.06 14:17:12:
i'm not a dumbass
Akemmer, Th, 2.2.06 14:19:39:

So then come i will wit for your killers
onukoll, Th, 2.2.06 14:21:56:
Akemmer, Th, 2.2.06 14:23:34:

General Lucio Collonie, Th, 2.2.06 14:46:37:

hmm, i think it is a new member, he killes everybody....but i don'T know, who he is?!

but, i have alive 4 attacks of my life. but i think you know that this unsuccessful. i have tho most Bodys....hehe
unknown, Th, 2.2.06 15:01:52:

unknown, Th, 2.2.06 16:42:50:


Come and kill me now.
My 2000 bodys waiting.
General Lucio Collonie, Th, 2.2.06 16:47:36:

np.....i think i need no more as 2001 assassins!!

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