 | ... I was chating with a working colleague of mine. We were talking about games and I mentioned how all my life I have been creating all sorts of games, but never got them to a point where I would really publish them. I was telling him about my recent project which I didn't have a name for yet and he seemed very interested in playing it. So he asked me: 'Why don't you just put it online?'.
I said ok, let's try that, and encouraged by his words I soon found some webspace, I only needed a name for this game... and after some thinking I came up with the name of 'Modern Conquest'.
A few days later, the game went online... and just like today it was a Wednesday, the 8th of Octobre, back in 2003... exactly 5 years ago.
And in the following years, I don't know exactly how or why, people kept coming and playing this game. Although I was doing a little promotion at the beginning, what has kept this game alive, are YOU. And today I want to thank every single one of you for that, for keeping this game, this "creation" of mine, alive. 
And I will not only thank you by speaking out these words, but already I have started performing updates, which are long overdue, I'm currently in the process in renewing all the countryrelated data, you will soon get a new map and a lot of other improvements. There will be new rules and you will finally get a fully accurate tutorial, in german as well as in english.
A lot of things will change here, and I think a game that has managed to survive for 5 years has deserved to become something bigger.
So thank you everybody! You're awesome!  War was never the brightest idea of mankind... but surely the most exciting! Join now!
Community Project
ComPro Webgame
www.schneakygames.de |
 | thx darki and np for help u anyway |
DLX, We, 8.10.08 14:31:41: |
 | wo war denn der fehler ?
ich hatte ihn nicht gesehen 
Thank you for this game!!     |
 | ne hatte er nochmal geändert^^ |
| Ich glaube wir müssen uns bedanken das wir dieses grandiose Game spielen dürfen |
| da kann ich mich meinem vorredner nur anschließen  |
| ich auch. wirklich klasse spiel! |
T3Pe$, We, 8.10.08 16:45:22: |
 | nothing to add s for creating this game $: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda |
 | Thank you so much for making the best game I have ever played. You totaly rock! The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.
George S. Patton
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/g/george_s_patton.html#Zh42rzzr7QD5Vqjw.99 |
| yeah i can only say the same what the others say thx for this game and the community project and any game you will give us in the next years Die Reise durch meine Gedanken
Haben mir die Farben ein Stück näher gebracht
Und siehst du irgendwann einen Regenbogen
Dann weißt auch du, dass Regen Freude macht |