Countdown to the next round: 51d 10h 23m 22s (Score table)
Announcements (more)
Sa, 15.3.25 21:14:14
Lieutenant General firehelper IAA has arrived in Rio de Janeiro ( Brazil).
Sa, 15.3.25 21:13:03
593 units belonging to Lieutenant General firehelper IAA arrived in Belfast ( United Kingdom).
Sa, 15.3.25 21:12:56
554 units belonging to Lieutenant General firehelper IAA arrived in Belfast ( United Kingdom).
Sa, 15.3.25 20:29:27
653 units belonging to Lieutenant General firehelper IAA arrived in Glasgow ( United Kingdom).
Sa, 15.3.25 20:14:54
Lieutenant General firehelper IAA has taken over Nigeria.
Sa, 15.3.25 20:08:38
1,179 units belonging to Lieutenant General firehelper IAA arrived in Abuja ( Nigeria).
Sa, 15.3.25 19:35:17
632 units belonging to Lieutenant General firehelper IAA arrived in Séville ( Spain).
Sa, 15.3.25 18:18:40
Lieutenant General firehelper IAA has taken over Mexico.
Sa, 15.3.25 18:16:43
753 units belonging to Lieutenant General firehelper IAA arrived in Yokohama ( Japan).
Sa, 15.3.25 18:12:31
2,820 units belonging to Lieutenant General firehelper IAA arrived in Mexico City ( Mexico).

"We have destroyed 2 tanks, fighter planes, 2 helicopters and their shovels - We have driven them back."

I will not play this infidel game! And I assure you I will not comment on the events in this stupid world either. Not now. Not soon. Never! May I be condemned by Allah if this is not the truth!

Ten most recent Topics from the Forum
"War reports", Mo, 10.3.25 20:31:31
Last posting by Lieutenant General firehelper IAA: "Lieutenant General firehelper IAA has taken over Lagos..."
"Let's get a game together.", Mo, 4.11.24 15:55:09
Last posting by Korpskommandant Krave: "I've missed you guys. I spent the past few years dealing..."
sticky "Bug reports", Tu, 13.2.24 11:53:29
Last posting by Major General Ronon_Dex: "Vim Keybindings für MC wann? Alles ist besser..."
"5 years ago...", We, 7.2.24 13:07:34
Last posting by Major General Ronon_Dex: "Ich bin auch gerade wieder das erste mal dabei seit..."
"huhu test", Th, 27.4.23 9:58:07
Last posting by General Lucio Collonie: "nope, den Markt im Blick behalten. Ich wünschte es..."
"Server Migration", Mo, 24.4.23 14:21:43
Last posting by General sith: "Hallo Darki kein Problem, aktuell auch in der Punktestandstabelle..."
"Juiced", Sa, 19.11.22 10:05:11
Last posting by WhatzUp?: "hello, guys! next round..."
"Best round in ages!", Tu, 4.10.22 21:54:00
Last posting by General Patton: "Well it would be at least 50 to break defenses. Yeah..."
"Nice Work", Mo, 29.8.22 1:50:26
Last posting by General Patton: "CHAD grow up. Plus this game was dead long before..."
"Fight of the round / the Grande Finale :tank:", Fr, 19.2.21 15:36:00
Last posting by dubium latet: "Kampfbericht aus Shanghai, China Fr, 19.2.21 16:04:12 Deine..."

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